How Do I Get Rid Of My Cystic Acne?


Struggling with acne can be painful, for your skin and your psyche. I’ve always had issues with acne but chalked it up to the unhealthy things I was putting in my body, like cigarettes and alcohol. Toxins in your body secrete from your pores and detrimentally effect your skin. Alcohol and drug abuse also create an unhealthy lifestyle where water and diet intake are probably being neglected. However, when I quit alcohol and cigarettes the problems did not subside. I was a grown woman with breakouts all the time. I was embarrassed that people would think I was on drugs or that I didn’t take care of myself.

For twenty years, I used Proactive and was happy with it, using benzoyl peroxide spot treatments for breakouts, but my face started to look dull and oily in spots. I could tell that my skin was not loving it anymore and acne was constantly appearing in random spots at this point. I tried every formula, serum, scrub and ointment over the years, as well as researched benzoyl peroxide, retinoid, retinol, vitamin c, hyaluronic acid and any other chemical I could find relating to acne prevention. Nothing was even remotely effective except the benzoyl peroxide.

Middle aged woman with hormonal cystic acne present on chin.

Cystic acne jawline

About six months ago, I switched to the best skin care products and that is when I finally saw the real symptoms. I was breaking out only under my chin every month just before my period. This was clearly hormonal and after doing some research I determined that it was also cystic acne. Hormonal acne causes cysts that develop deep under the skin and can cause painful inflammation. I read that hormonal acne can be genetic and my dad had terrible acne. I learned the story at a pretty young age, that my dad had severe cystic acne under his chin when he was a teenager. The doctor had to cut incisions under each jawline for them to drain. That is why after the army, my dad always wore a beard, to cover the scars.

Stylish photo of Monat Be Gentle cleanser and Be Gentle moisturizer positioned with silver jewelry.

I use Monat Be Gentle cleanser and moisturizer. Click HERE to find the perfect combo for you!

Finally, I remembered to ask my doctor about it during my annual physical exam. I noticed some girls online talking about Spironolactone, an oral medication that is an antibacterial and highly effective in clearing up cystic acne. I was eager to ask my doctor if I was a candidate and if my self-diagnosis was correct. My doctor examined under my chin and first recommended anything with benzoyl peroxide in it. I explained that I had used that for years with some success but I needed something more. She agreed that it was hormonal and we discussed hormonal acne medication. She confirmed that Spironolactone would be an effective treatment. However, Spironolactone had a side effect of possibly lowering blood pressure and mine already runs consistently low. She prescribed Clindamycin which is an hormonal acne topical solution proven to be highly effective in clearing up cysts. She also reminded me that the best things for your skin are:

1.       Drink enough water

2.       Have a good, consistent skin care regimen

3.       Use clean brushes or sponges for makeup application

I am ecstatic to report the topical treatment is doing amazing! I’ve been using it twice a day for the last three months and I haven’t had any cystic acne at all. I have had a few small pimples but if I feel anything underneath the skin, I give it a good dousing with the Clindamycin and it completely disappears. It is a little drying, so it is important to use a good moisturizer afterward.

Woman in the sunlight with clear glowing skin and healthy hair.

Health, happy skin!!!!

Now that I have dealt with the major issues, and my skin is healthy again, I am slowly introducing new skin care products to refine my pores and reduce dark spots. The first step to glowing skin is having a healthy, consistent skincare regimen and to address any problems with your doctor.



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