Guest Post: Why is Health and Wellness Important to Me?

Today I am honored to share another guest post! One of my favorite bloggers and just a genuinely kind human, Pastor Natalie, will explain why wellness is important to her and ways you can implement a healthier wellness routine. I give a huge thanks to her for sharing this stellar post! Be sure to check out the other links to her blog, Examine This Moment, throughout this post for more healthy living tips.


Why is Health and Wellness Important to Me?

Having overall health and wellness in life is so vital to me. Unfortunately, over time I have had a variety of times when I dealt with not feeling well and had to make adjustments to keep going. Let’s take a moment together to discuss, “Why is health and wellness important to me?”

In this blog, I honestly do not want to focus on what I have been through but rather why my health became so vital for me and what kinds of things have I implemented to experience wellness every day. There are times when you can walk through some trying times in your overall health, but you can keep going even if it takes one day at a time: perhaps even one moment at a time.

I learned how important it is to treat your mind, body, soul, and spirit right. Each part of who we are can impact us. For example, when I dealt with severe pain due to necessary surgery, I learned there were things I was eating that impacted my overall health. Too often, we can believe that food is not affecting our health, but I can honestly say, it really does. Overtime, I recognized that we cannot just eat whatever. I can see that it impacted not only my health but also took a toll on everything. I enjoyed getting to learn how to eat differently and implement a variety of new recipes. When you do not feel good, need surgery or it takes tests to figure out what is going on in your health can be scary, and it can be very taxing on you.

Besides food, I also recognized that having toxic relationships has greatly impacted my health. It is important to pay attention to the people you have around you. The ones you are allowing to speak into your life and pay attention to how they respond as you grow and begin to do even better than when you first met. Having the right people around you can make an incredible difference in your life and health.

I also would like to include the importance of forgiveness. Do not allow yourself to become embittered and unforgiving. This is very toxic to overall health and wellness. Unfortunately, it can become a prison of torment if we do not forgive. Whether you hear someone ask you for forgiveness or not, this is a very important aspect when it comes to health and wellbeing. Also, make things right with others that you have hurt. Payattention to each relationship and never take what you have for granted.

Make sure you include physical activity. Exercise can get overwhelming for some, but honestly it is important that we implement something physically we enjoy doing. I enjoy running, going to the gym, and taking walks. Some may like to hike, cycling, fishing, or swimming. I just know that part of taking my health has been greatly impacted because I am doing some form of physical activity.

Lastly, I see the importance to paying attention to how your body is responding to the circumstances you find yourself in. It’s important to take breaks, rest, do not overcommit to things and get medical checkups. Be honest about what you are experiencing whether it’s mentally, emotionally, and physically. When it comes to spiritually, I like to encourage that you make sure you take time to renew your heart and mind constantly and take moments in prayer and reading the Bible. This is for me the most important. I have seen the difference when I did and did not implement this.

I want to sincerely thank Jessica Lasa for having me as a guest writer. It is an honor to share “Why health and wellness is important to me.” I just shared a few very important things to me when it comes to my overall health and wellness. I would love to hear why health and wellness is important to you as well? What have you implemented to live out a healthier lifestyle? Has it been difficult to implement? Thank you for reading and taking moments with me.

About me: Over time, I have come to realize that we must take pauses or we are just experiencing life passing us by quickly! Every day there are several moments we can perhaps all talk about and be an encouragement to someone else with. 

I have enjoyed the opportunities to collaborate with other writers. I have been interviewed on podcast and by others in the writing community. I have also appreciated writing a book review. 

~Blessings Pastor Natalie 

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